
Electric Light Control

6210332019770 332019770 ORBILUX

An item specifically designed to remotely control the intensity and/or the on-off operation of a light or lights used for general illumination. May be manually operated and/or actuated by the degree of surrounding light intensity or sound vibration. Do not use for autotransformers, rheostats, or switches which are used without the addition of other parts to accomplish this function. View more Electric Light Control

6210-33-201-9770 CONTROL,ELECTRIC LIGHT 6210332019770 332019770

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Electric Light Control 6210332019770,ORBILUX ORBILUX An item specifically designed to remotely control
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6210-33-201-9770 Demil Restrictions 6210-33-201-9770


6210-33-201-9770 is a Electric Light Control

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Spain (YB)

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