Lighting Fixture
6210218517143 218517143 V1 C22-2-9
An item consisting of one or more lampholder(s) or other electrical connection, designed to provide general illumination. May include a shade, light window, switch and the like. Do not use if a more specific item name exists,such as LIGHT (as modified). View more Lighting Fixture
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NSN Created on 1 Dec 1968
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January 2023
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Marketplace 6210-21-851-7143
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Related Documents 6210-21-851-7143 5+ Documents (More...)
V1 C22-2-9 An item consisting of one or more lampholder(s) or other electrical connection, designed
6210-21-851-7143 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
/ca 6210-21-851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/au 6210
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/ca 6210-21-851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/au 6210
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 6210218517143218517143,V1 6210-66-085-0825 6210-12-
6210123485678123485678 for https 133-5382 6210-12-362-4436 6210-12-360-0643 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143
6210-14-571-5529 6210-12-348-5678 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
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6210-14-571-5529 6210-12-348-5678 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
6210-12-362-4436 6210-12-360-0643 6210-66-085-0825 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 -851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143218517143,V1
Lighting Fixture 6220995499528995499528 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 -851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143218517143,V1
Lighting Fixture 6220995499528995499528 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143 Lighting Fixture 6210218517143
6220995499528995499528 Lighting Fixture 6210218439536 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6210-21-851
-7143Lighting Fixture6210218517143 218517143 V1 C22-2 NumberManufacturerStatusV1 35004 - Cooper Industries
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6210-21-851
-7143Lighting Fixture6210218517143 218517143 V1 C22-2 NumberManufacturerStatusV1 35004 - Cooper Industries
Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-62/fsc-6210/ca 6210-21-851-7143
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 6210-12-360-0643 Lighting Fixture 6210123600643 123600643
fsg-62/fsc-6210/fr 6210-14-571-5529 Lighting Fixture 6210145715529145715529 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143
Lighting Fixture 6210218517143 218517143,V1 6210-12-360-0643 Lighting Fixture 6210123600643 123600643
fsg-62/fsc-6210/fr 6210-14-571-5529 Lighting Fixture 6210145715529145715529 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143
Restrictions 6210-21-851-7143
End Users 6210-21-851-7143
- Canada (ZC)
Approved Sources 6210-21-851-7143
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- V1
- Manufacturer
- 35004 - Cooper Industries /Canada/ (Active)
- Incomplete Reference
- Incomplete Reference
- C22-2-9
- 35860 - Canadian Standards Assn (Active)
- Incomplete Reference
- Incomplete Reference
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6210-21-851-7143
6210-66-159-2310 6210-17-109-8263 6210-12-376-9917 6210-21-883-8329 6210-21-843-9536 6210-12-334-4394 6210-17-119-0989 6210-12-380-1392 6210-99-525-0319 6210-99-133-5382 6210-12-362-4436 6210-12-360-0643 6210-66-085-0825 6210-21-851-7143 6210-14-571-5529 6210-12-348-5678 6210-12-333-0572 6210-12-369-4429