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Electrical Power Cable Assembly

6150015629366 015629366 UCA0047

A definite continuous length of CABLE, POWER, ELECTRICAL having one or both ends processed and/or terminated in fittings which provide for connection to other items. Excludes CABLE AND CONDUIT ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL and items having branches or forks. See also WIRING HARNESS. View more Electrical Power Cable Assembly

6150-01-562-9366 CABLE ASSEMBLY,POWER,ELECTRICAL 6150015629366 015629366

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 25 Apr 2008
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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6150-01-562-9366 CABLE ASSEMBLY,POWER,ELECTRICAL 6150015629366 015629366 1/1
NSN 6150-01-562-9366 (Generic Image) 1/1

6150-01-562-9366 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6150-01-562-9366

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6150-01-562-9366 1+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-61/fsc-6150/us 6150-01-562-9366
Electrical Power Cable Assembly 015629366 RQST NE Updated Every Day 6150-01-562-9366 RQST Updated Every
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6150-01-562-9366 Demil Restrictions 6150-01-562-9366


6150-01-562-9366 is a Electrical Power Cable Assembly that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. This item has been confirmed as a Critical Munitions List Item or a Sensitive Commerce Control List Item and cannot be in the possession of any party anywhere in the World who is not an authorized NATO Government. Any other possessor of this item should mutilate it now as possession violates international and local laws. This item is a US Munitions List Item and must be mutilated to scrap. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

6150-01-562-9366 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 6150-01-562-9366

6150-01-562-9366 End Users End Users 6150-01-562-9366

United Kingdom (ZK01)
Effective Date:
1 Apr 2008

6150-01-562-9366 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6150-01-562-9366

6150-01-562-9366 Technical Data Datasheet 6150-01-562-9366

Conductor Form [CXCW]
Stranded All Conductors
Conductor Quantity [AMQN]
Special Features [FEAT]
Type: Shielded Cable; Conductor Gauge: 14Awg (Tin Plated Copper); Length: 2.74M; Termination: D38999/26Wj11pnat Each End; Shield Termination: To Connector Shell (Internal); Diameter At Connector: 48Mm; Diameter At Core: 12.7Mm; Weight: 1.36Kg
Temp Rating [ABJH]
-20.0 Deg Celsius And 80.0 Deg Celsius

6150-01-562-9366 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6150-01-562-9366

6150-01-562-9366 Freight Data Freight Information 6150-01-562-9366

6150-01-562-9366 has freight characteristics.. 6150-01-562-9366 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.