
Radio Frequency Rotary Coupler

6145991515811 991515811

An item which provides a means of transfer of electrical energy between two components or sets, and which is specifically designed to permit one section of a transmission line or waveguide to rotate continuously with respect to another, and still maintain radio frequency continuity. View more Radio Frequency Rotary Coupler

6145-99-151-5811 COUPLER,ROTARY,RADIO FREQUENCY 6145991515811 991515811

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Data Last Changed
January 2024
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6145-99-151-5811 COUPLER,ROTARY,RADIO FREQUENCY 6145991515811 991515811 1/1
NSN 6145-99-151-5811 (Generic Image) 1/1

6145-99-151-5811 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6145-99-151-5811

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Rotary Coupler6145991515811 991515811 United Kingdom (UK) 4. 6145-99-151-5811 Marketplace Restrictions
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6145-99-151-5811 Demil Restrictions 6145-99-151-5811


6145-99-151-5811 is a Radio Frequency Rotary Coupler

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