
Electrical Special Purpose Cable

6145222848771 222848771 200/PCS2R/10

Two or more individually insulated conductors (solid or stranded) contained in a common covering, or two or more individually insulated conductors twisted or molded together without a common covering, or one insulated conductor with a metallic covering or shield; each having characteristics not completely conforming to CABLE, TELEPHONE; CABLE, POWER, ELECTRICAL; CABLE, RADIO FREQUENCY or CORD, ELECTRICAL. Includes items having the combined characteristics of two or more of the aforementioned names. Refers to bulk quantities only; for items of definite length with processed ends or terminated in fittings, see CABLE ASSEMBLY, SPECIAL PURPOSE, ELECTRICAL. View more Electrical Special Purpose Cable

6145-22-284-8771 CABLE,SPECIAL PURPOSE,ELECTRICAL 6145222848771 222848771

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NSN Created on 8 Jul 1986
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6145-22-284-8771 CABLE,SPECIAL PURPOSE,ELECTRICAL 6145222848771 222848771 1/1
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6145-22-284-8771 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6145/dk 6145-22-284-8771
Electrical Special Purpose Cable 222848771 200/PCS2R/10 Two or more individually insulated conductors

6145-22-284-8771 Demil Restrictions 6145-22-284-8771


6145-22-284-8771 is a Electrical Special Purpose Cable

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Denmark (ZS)

6145-22-284-8771 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6145-22-284-8771

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