Electrical Wire
6145123740393 123740393 4520032 H07V-K
A single metallic conductor of solid, stranded, or tinsel construction, designed to carry current in an electrical circuit. It may be a bare or insulated, may have metalic covering sheath, shield or and additional jacket. Refers to bulk quantities only. For items that are solid or stranded, insulated or uninsulated, and have the chemical composition specified but no conductivity (electrical properties) see WIRE,(as modified), Includes Litz wire and insulated/uninsulated armored, and ground wire. Excludes BRAID, WIRE; FUSE WIRE; RESISTANCE WIRE and MAGNET WIRE. View more Electrical Wire
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4520032 H07V-K A single metallic conductor of solid, stranded, or tinsel construction, designed to carry
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JavaScript in your web browser . 6145-14-557-9778Electrical Wire6145145579778 145579778 10046422 H07V-K
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Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 NV-B(NYAF)2.5MM2 P20001E0025 (HAR)/1X16MM2 H07V-K https
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Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 NV-B(NYAF)2.5MM2 P20001E0025 (HAR)/1X16MM2 H07V-K https
. 6145-27-007-2702Electrical Wire6145270072702 270072702 NYAF 1X35 MM KIRMIZI P20001E035 H05V-K, H07V-K
(HAR)/1X35MM NV-B(H07V-K) 1X35 A single metallic conductor of solid, stranded, or tinsel construction
Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 Documents Restrictions 6145-12-374-0393 https// https//
(HAR)/1X35MM NV-B(H07V-K) 1X35 A single metallic conductor of solid, stranded, or tinsel construction
Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 Documents Restrictions 6145-12-374-0393 https// https//
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6145-33-103-0286Electrical Wire6145331030286 331030286 UNE H07V-K
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Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 https//www.nsnlookup.com https//www.nsnlookup.com https
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6145/es 6145-33-103-0286 Electrical Wire 6145331030286331030286 UNE H07V-K
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your web browser . 6145-27-000-4531Electrical Power Cable6145270004531 270004531 301.02.00030 NYAF (H07V-K
Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 TS9758 NV-B(NYAF)2.5MM2 P20001E0025 https https https//
1X16 (HAR)/1X16MM2 H07V-K 1X16 H07V-K https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6145/tr 6145-27-000-4531
Electrical Wire 6145123740393 123740393 TS9758 NV-B(NYAF)2.5MM2 P20001E0025 https https https//
1X16 (HAR)/1X16MM2 H07V-K 1X16 H07V-K https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6145/tr 6145-27-000-4531
Restrictions 6145-12-374-0393
End Users 6145-12-374-0393
- Germany (ZG)
Approved Sources 6145-12-374-0393
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 4520032
- Manufacturer
- D2030 - Lapp, U.I. Gmbh (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- H07V-K
- D2030 - Lapp, U.I. Gmbh (Active)
- Canceled/Obsolete
- Canceled/Obsolete
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6145-12-374-0393
6145-14-400-8348 6145-99-111-8932 6145-12-174-3454 6145-32-082-8458 6145-14-256-6687 6145-66-104-2584 6145-34-041-6014 6145-66-104-2458 6145-14-220-3042 6145-37-514-6013 6145-27-004-8323 6145-99-623-7815 6145-99-198-7661 6145-12-374-0393 6145-34-029-4877 6145-14-332-3315 6145-13-116-4095 6145-21-884-8138