
Electrical Power Cable

6145661600717 661600717 FW70BK

Two or more insulated conductors (solid or stranded) contained in a common covering, or two or more insulated conductors twisted or molded together without a common covering, or one insulated conductor with a metallic covering, covering, shield, or outer conductor. The rated working voltage of the item must be 300 volts or more, or in lieu of this the test voltage must be 1,000 volts or more; and the size of each individual conductor must be number 18 American Wire Gage (0.75 SQUARE MILLIMETERS) or larger. For cables with uninsulated neutral conductor use the hightest rated voltage. Refers to bulk quantities only, for items of definite length with processed ends or terminated in fittings, see CABLE ASSEMBLY, POWER, ELECTRICAL. For low voltage aircraft and automotive cable, see CABLE, SPECIAL PURPOSE, ELECTRICAL. View more Electrical Power Cable

6145-66-160-0717 CABLE,POWER,ELECTRICAL 6145661600717 661600717

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6145-66-160-0717 CABLE,POWER,ELECTRICAL 6145661600717 661600717 1/1
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Electrical Power Cable 6145661600717,FW70BK 6145-66-160-0717 3+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
/fsg-61/fsc-6145/au 6145-66-160-0717 Electrical Power Cable 6145661600717,FW70BK6145-66-160-0717 3+
from Australia (AU) 27 Mar 2012 6145-66-102-0462 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6145/au 6145-66-160-0717
Electrical Power Cable 6145661600717,FW70BK Updated Every Day 6145-66-160-0717 RQST NE Related
DAC: 3 23 Aug 1976 6145-66-034-7207 Electrical Wire A071RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 1 | DAC: 6 8 Apr 1960 6145-66-160-0717

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