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Storage Battery

6140014689664 014689664 HNN9008 2BM1PMNN4151 PMNN4151AR 423-2440

A battery, composed of two or more cells forming a single unit, which may or may not be readily separable and which may be efficiently recharged by sending an electric current through the cells in a direction opposite that of the discharging current.The item may be furnished with integral charging facilities.For items which are composed of a single cell see CELL, BATTERY. View more Storage Battery

6140-01-468-9664 BATTERY,STORAGE 6140014689664 014689664

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6140-01-468-9664 BATTERY,STORAGE 6140014689664 014689664 1/1
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6140-01-468-9664 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6140-01-468-9664

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HNN9008 2BM1PMNN4151 PMNN4151AR 423-2440 A battery, composed of two or more cells forming a single unit
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to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6140-15-162-6135Storage Battery6140151626135 151626135 HNN9008
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HNN9008 2BM1PMNN4151 PMNN4151AR https// /fsg-61/fsc-6140/it 6140-15-162-6135 Storage
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6140-01-468-9664Storage Battery6140014689664 014689664 HNN9008 2BM1PMNN4151 PMNN4151AR US) 4. 9999-00
United States (US) 4. 4810-01-423-2440 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
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6140-01-468-9664 Demil Restrictions 6140-01-468-9664


6140-01-468-9664 is a Storage Battery that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item may be hazardous as it is in a Federal Supply Class for potentially hazardous items. A MSDS should be available from the supplier for the end user to evaluate any hazards. This item does not contain a precious metal.

6140-01-468-9664 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 6140-01-468-9664

6140-01-468-9664 End Users End Users 6140-01-468-9664

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6140-01-468-9664 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6140-01-468-9664

6140-01-468-9664 Technical Data Datasheet 6140-01-468-9664

Special Features [FEAT]
Nickel-Metal Hydride (Nimh); Capacity Of 1200 Milliamp Hour (Mah)
End Item Identification [AGAV]
Motorola Gp328 Portable Radio

6140-01-468-9664 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6140-01-468-9664

6140-01-468-9664 Freight Data Freight Information 6140-01-468-9664

6140-01-468-9664 has freight characteristics managed by New Zealand.. 6140-01-468-9664 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.