Nonrechargeable Battery
6135231105092 231105092 BA-8
A battery, composed of two or more cells forming a single unit, which is not rechargeable and whose electrolyte generally is not in fluid form. For batteries which are recargeable, see BATTERY (1), STORAGE. For items which are composed of a single cell, see CELL BATTERY. Excludes BATTERY, WATER-ACTIVATED. View more Nonrechargeable Battery
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NSN Created on 4 Jun 1985
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January 2023
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Marketplace 6135-23-110-5092
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enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6135-27-000-0514Nonrechargeable Battery6135270000514 270000514 BA-8
RQST NE Updated Every participating marketplace vendors Nonrechargeable Battery 6135270000514,BA-8
Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092
RQST NE Updated Every participating marketplace vendors Nonrechargeable Battery 6135270000514,BA-8
Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092
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Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135218711676 22-118-6347 https
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Nonrechargeable Battery 6135231105092,BA-8 Nonrechargeable Battery 6135218711676 22-118-6347 https
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Restrictions 6135-23-110-5092
End Users 6135-23-110-5092
- Greece (ZU)
Approved Sources 6135-23-110-5092
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- BA-8
- Manufacturer
- G0941 - Sunlight Group Energy Storage (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- BA-8
- G0220 - Germanos S.A. (Replaced)
- Canceled/Obsolete
- Canceled/Obsolete
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6135-23-110-5092
6135-12-121-1326 6135-22-625-4754 6135-14-535-2479 6135-27-052-0788 6135-22-274-7470 6135-14-452-5631 6135-21-871-1676 6135-12-136-5705 6135-23-110-5092 6135-22-123-0751 6135-12-310-9784 6135-43-001-4361 6135-33-204-8882 6135-21-912-2105 6135-99-759-8013 6135-22-124-0572 6135-14-476-8989 6135-66-150-4882