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Nonrechargeable Battery

6135123863943 123863943 SR1154W

A battery, composed of two or more cells forming a single unit, which is not rechargeable and whose electrolyte generally is not in fluid form. For batteries which are recargeable, see BATTERY (1), STORAGE. For items which are composed of a single cell, see CELL BATTERY. Excludes BATTERY, WATER-ACTIVATED. View more Nonrechargeable Battery

6135-12-386-3943 BATTERY,NONRECHARGEABLE 6135123863943 123863943

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NSN Created on 30 Aug 2011
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6135-12-386-3943 BATTERY,NONRECHARGEABLE 6135123863943 123863943 1/1
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Updated Every Day 6135-12-315-5461 RQST Updated Every https// /fsg-61/fsc-6135/de 6135-12-386-3943
Nonrechargeable Battery 6135123863943 composed of two or more cells forming a single https//
Nonrechargeable from Germany (DE) Aug 2011 6135-12-191-2398 https// /fsg-61/fsc-6135/de 6135-12-386-3943
Nonrechargeable Battery 6135123863943 Nonrechargeable from Germany (DE) 1988 6135-12-386-3943 https
2005 6135-12-315-5461 Nonrechargeable Battery 06720005RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 9 | DAC: 5 5 Nov 1988 6135-12-386-3943

6135-12-386-3943 Demil Restrictions 6135-12-386-3943


6135-12-386-3943 is a Nonrechargeable Battery

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Germany (ZG)

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