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Battery Charger

6130016299078 016299078 L3000

A device consisting of one or more components utilizing an alternating or direct current source to reactivate batteries in which reversible chemical reactions occur. Use only for devices containing resistors, metallic, or electronic type rectifiers or vibrators and which are specifically designed for the purpose of charging batteries. May include filters, meters, load contactor and alarm circuits. May include battery charging switchboards which are supplied with integral or external means of rectification. View more Battery Charger

6130-01-629-9078 CHARGER,BATTERY 6130016299078 016299078

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NSN Created on 18 Jul 2014
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6130-01-629-9078 CHARGER,BATTERY 6130016299078 016299078 1/1
NSN 6130-01-629-9078 (Generic Image) 1/1

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6130-01-629-9078 Related Documents Related Documents 6130-01-629-9078 5+ Documents (More...)

6130-01-629-9078 5+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-61/fsc-6130/us 6130-01-629-9078
Battery Charger 6130016299078016299078,L3000 L3000 A device consisting of one or more components utilizing
Battery Charger 6130016299078016299078,L3000 15-212-4194 Part NumberManufacturerStatusO/L3000 https/
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 6625-99-932-6695S Modular Enclosure6625999326695 999326695 L3000
/ /fsg-66/fsc-6625/uk 6625-99-932-6695 S Modular Enclosure 6625999326695999326695 L3000
Battery Charger 6130016299078 016299078,L3000 15-212-4194 Part NumberManufacturerStatusO/L3000
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 9905-15-212-4194Etichette Autoadesi9905152124194 152124194 O/L3000
https// O/L3000 Users 9905-15-212-4194 Italy (ZR) Approved Sources 9905-15-212-4194
Part NumberManufacturerStatusO /L3000 https// /fsg-99/fsc-9905/it 9905-15-212-4194
to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 9520-15-233-3533Palo Zincato 1029520152333533 152333533 L3000
https// O/L3000 Users 9905-15-212-4194 Italy (ZR) Approved Sources 9905-15-212-4194
Part NumberManufacturerStatusO /L3000 https// /fsg-99/fsc-9905/it 9905-15-212-4194
JavaScript in your web browser . 5996-37-518-7653Audio Frequency Amplifier5996375187653 375187653 L3000
Battery Charger 6130016299078 016299078,L3000 L3000 A device consisting of one or more components
utilizing an alternating or direct current source Battery Charger 6130016299078016299078,L3000 15-212

6130-01-629-9078 Demil Restrictions 6130-01-629-9078


6130-01-629-9078 is a Battery Charger Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

6130-01-629-9078 HTS and ScheduleB Import and Export 6130-01-629-9078

6130-01-629-9078 End Users End Users 6130-01-629-9078

Turkey (ZW01)
Effective Date:
1 Jul 2014

6130-01-629-9078 Manufacturers Approved Sources 6130-01-629-9078

6130-01-629-9078 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6130-01-629-9078

6130-01-629-9078 Freight Data Freight Information 6130-01-629-9078

6130-01-629-9078 has freight characteristics managed by Turkey.. 6130-01-629-9078 has a variance between NMFC and UFC when transported by rail and the description should be consulted.