
Ruggedised Ac Uninterrupted Power Supply System

6130270598626 270598626 DS 315

An electrical equipment that is used to protect and condition the supply of AC electrical power before it is consumed by host(s). The type of electrical output from the AC UPS is AC. Its primary components are an internal battery pack, battery charger, and noise & surge suppression circuitry. The internal battery pack is used to sustain the host(s) when the AC supply fails. External battery packs may be added to the UPS in order to extend the period of sustenance. View more Ruggedised Ac Uninterrupted Power Supply System

6130-27-059-8626 RUGGEDISED AC UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM 6130270598626 270598626

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,DS 315 DS 315 An electrical equipment that is used to protect and condition the supply of AC electrical
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6130-27-059-8626 is a Ruggedised Ac Uninterrupted Power Supply System

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