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Magnetic Contactor

6110251503522 251503522 8918 1006175 PC 37

An item consisting of contacts, a magnetic core, and a coil with or without inclosure which is used to repeatedly establish and break a circuit. The item does not provide overload protection and is not used in line to control any other electrical controls. Excludes RELAY, ELECTROMAGNETIC and STARTER, MOTOR.l circuit. Exludes RELAY, ELECTRO-MAGNETIC and STARTER, MOTOR. View more Magnetic Contactor

6110-25-150-3522 CONTACTOR,MAGNETIC 6110251503522 251503522

Managed by Norway
NSN Created on 28 Jul 1999
Data Last Changed
January 2023
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6110-25-150-3522 CONTACTOR,MAGNETIC 6110251503522 251503522 1/1
NSN 6110-25-150-3522 (Generic Image) 1/1

6110-25-150-3522 Stock and Availability Marketplace 6110-25-150-3522

6110-25-150-3522 Related Documents Related Documents 6110-25-150-3522 2+ Documents (More...)

8918 1006175 PC 37 An item consisting of contacts, a magnetic core, and a coil with or without inclosure
_ 10000 hours 123 EA NE Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details... 8918 CONTACTOR,MAGNETIC
350 EA NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 6110-25-150-3522 RQST NE Related Documents 6110-25-150
Documents 5315-01-132-6161 5+ Documents ( More... ) https// /fsg-61/fsc-6110/no 6110-25-150-3522
Magnetic Contactor 6110251503522 251503522 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 6110-25-150-3522Magnetic
Contactor6110251503522 251503522 8918 1006175 3522 Part NumberManufacturerStatus8918 N2585 - Teamtec

6110-25-150-3522 Demil Restrictions 6110-25-150-3522


6110-25-150-3522 is a Magnetic Contactor

6110-25-150-3522 End Users End Users 6110-25-150-3522

United States of America (ZZ)

6110-25-150-3522 Stock, Inventory and Procurement DLA Procurement Analysis 6110-25-150-3522

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6110-25-150-3522 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6110-25-150-3522

6110-25-150-3522 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 6110-25-150-3522 October 2021

Criticality and Quality

Critical Item Code:
Flight Safety:
Life Support:
Certified Samples:
First Article Test (FAT):
Certificate of Quality Compliance:
Production Lot Testing:
Special Testing:
Qualified Products List (QPL):

Commercial Properties

Government Furnished Material:
Government Furnished Tooling:
Government Furnished Property:
Price Evaluation Code:
Diminshing Manufacturing Sources:
Commerical Off The Shelf (COTS):
End Item Application:
Auctioning Candidate:
Source of Procurement:
Contract Option:


Boeing Rights Guard:
Export Controlled:
Controlled Technical Data Package (TDP):
Restricted Technical Data Package (TDP):
Contains Classified Material
Weapons System Indicator Code (WSIC):

Packaging Requirements

Packaging Determination Table:
Packaging Review Code:
Special Packaging Instruction Number (SPIN):
Special Packaging Instruction Number Revision:
Special Packaging Instruction Number Date:
Pallet Reference Number Required: