
Electrical Motor Thermal-Overload Protector

6110251107694 251107694 CRM49JX

A protective device specifically designed to prevent damage to an electrical motor due to failure of the motor to start, severe overloading of short duration, too frequent starting, high ambient temperature, high or low circuit voltages, failure of ventilation or any combination thereof. It is designed to be either automatically or manually reset. Excludes CIRCUIT BREAKEY; SWITCH (1), THERMOSTATIC; HEATER, THERMAL RELEASE; and RELAY (1), THERMAL. View more Electrical Motor Thermal-Overload Protector

6110-25-110-7694 PROTECTOR,THERMAL-OVERLOAD,ELECTRICAL MOTOR 6110251107694 251107694

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6110-25-110-7694 PROTECTOR,THERMAL-OVERLOAD,ELECTRICAL MOTOR 6110251107694 251107694 1/1
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6110-25-110-7694 is a Electrical Motor Thermal-Overload Protector

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