
Distribution Box

6110145035038 145035038 062226A2-01

An enclosure which includes mounts, and protects such items as switches, circuit breakers, jacks, fuseholders, connectors, terminals and/or terminal boards, resistors, capacitors, transformers, and the like. It is primarily designed to distribute electrical power from one or more primary power source(s) such as generator(s) and battery(ies) to one or more electrical and/or electronic item(s). It may include a cover or door. For enclosures which include only circuit breakers, switches, jacks, fuseholders, terminals and/or terminal boards, see CIRCUIT BREAKER BOX; SWITCH BOX; JACK BOX; FUSE BOX and TERMINAL BOX. For enclosure primarily designed to interconnect two or more electrical and/or electronic items, except primary power source(s) see INTERCONNECTING BOX. For empty boxes which are designed to mount, but do not include electrical devices such as switches, jacks, fuseholders, terminals and/or terminal boards, see JUNCTION BOX. See also INTERCONNECTING CABINET; CONTROL (as modified); PANEL (1) (as modified); RELAY ASSEMBLY; PANEL, POWER DISTRIBUTION; SWITCHBOARD (as modified) and PANEL, FUSE. Excludes CONNECTOR-SWITCH. View more Distribution Box

6110-14-503-5038 DISTRIBUTION BOX 6110145035038 145035038

Managed by France
NSN Created on 16 Jan 1998
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July 2023
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