
Motor Starter

6110222572648 222572648 273 K 4003 273K4003 273K4003+273K1100

A device primarily designed to control the supply circuit(s) of a motor in order to accelerate the motor from rest to normal speed. Includes manual starters with overload protection and manual, automatic or semiautomatic starters consisting of combinations of items such as relays, resistors, switches, circuit breakers, and the like. Excludes RELAY-SWITCH; CIRCUIT BREAKER; SWITCH (as modified) and RELAY (as modified). For devices, which in addition to starting and stopping, reverse, select and/or regulate the speed of a motor, see CONTROLLER (as modified). View more Motor Starter

6110-22-257-2648 STARTER,MOTOR 6110222572648 222572648

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273 K 4003 273K4003 273K4003+273K1100 A device primarily designed to control the supply circuit(s) of
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