
Voltage Deviation Monitor

6110123699130 123699130 1SVR450312R0500

An item that accepts fixed voltages from test points in another component or set, and displays them in such a manner that deviation from a predetermined voltage value is readily apparent. The display is in terms of "good" and "bad" and is not in terms of voltage values. For items that display the same or similar information that is derived from a radio frequency signal input, see MONITOR, ERROR VOLTAGE. For items that indicate voltage values in either scaler or digital form, see VOLTMETER. See also INDICATOR (as modified). View more Voltage Deviation Monitor

6110-12-369-9130 MONITOR,VOLTAGE DEVIATION 6110123699130 123699130

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NSN Created on 24 Aug 2006
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Voltage Deviation Monitor 6110123699130 1SVR450312R0500 An item that accepts fixed voltages from test

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6110-12-369-9130 is a Voltage Deviation Monitor

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