Magnetic Contactor
6110123594539 123594539 GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10/24V50HZ
An item consisting of contacts, a magnetic core, and a coil with or without inclosure which is used to repeatedly establish and break a circuit. The item does not provide overload protection and is not used in line to control any other electrical controls. Excludes RELAY, ELECTROMAGNETIC and STARTER, MOTOR.l circuit. Exludes RELAY, ELECTRO-MAGNETIC and STARTER, MOTOR. View more Magnetic Contactor
Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 6 Feb 2003
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January 2023
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Marketplace 6110-12-359-4539
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GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10/24V50HZ An item consisting of contacts, a magnetic core, and a coil with or
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Germany (DE) 4. 6110-12-359-4539 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management Open
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6110-66-136-9851 Magnetic Contactor 6110661369851 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6110/de 6110-12-359-4539
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123594539 GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10 vendors Request Updated Every Day 6110-12-359-4539 https//www.nsnlookup.com
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123594539 GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10 vendors Request Updated Every Day 6110-12-359-4539 https//www.nsnlookup.com
661369851 B6-30-10 fsg-59/fsc-5945/de 5945-12-371-0611 Electromagnetic Relay 5945123710611123710611 GJL1211011R0101
your web browser . 5945-12-371-0611Electromagnetic https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6110/de 6110-12-359-4539
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your web browser . 5945-12-371-0611Electromagnetic https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6110/de 6110-12-359-4539
Magnetic Contactor 6110123594539 123594539 in your web browser . 6110-12-359-4539Magnetic Contactor6110123594539
1001 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6110/au https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6110/de 6110-12-359-4539
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123594539 GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10 -66-136-9851 Magnetic Contactor 6110661369851 661369851 ADPEC : 5945
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123594539 GJL1211011R0101 B6-30-10 -66-136-9851 Magnetic Contactor 6110661369851 661369851 ADPEC : 5945
Restrictions 6110-12-359-4539
End Users 6110-12-359-4539
- France (ZF)
- Denmark (ZS)
- NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (ZX)
Approved Sources 6110-12-359-4539
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- Status
- GJL1211011R0101
- Manufacturer
- D9053 - Abb Stotz-Kontakt Gesellschaft Mit (Active)
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- Primary Buy
- B6-30-10/24V50HZ
- D9053 - Abb Stotz-Kontakt Gesellschaft Mit (Active)
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NATO Stock Numbers Related to 6110-12-359-4539
6110-21-883-7583 6110-14-565-1209 6110-21-885-7643 6110-99-151-4767 6110-20-007-5737 6110-99-976-0254 6110-12-195-8598 6110-99-813-1776 6110-12-301-9466 6110-99-384-0877 6110-12-321-2086 6110-99-027-0691 6110-66-136-9229 6110-99-725-2019 6110-12-197-4368 6110-66-150-7554 6110-12-302-6968 6110-21-895-6624