
Fiber Optic Splice Protector

6070123500134 123500134 S46999-A16-A1

6070-12-350-0134 PROTECTOR,SPLICE,FIBER OPTIC 6070123500134 123500134

Managed by Germany
NSN Created on 4 Feb 2000
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January 2023
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6070-12-350-0134 PROTECTOR,SPLICE,FIBER OPTIC 6070123500134 123500134 1/1
NSN 6070-12-350-0134 (Generic Image) 1/1

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Fiber Optic Splice Protector 6070123500134 S46999-A16-A1 Managed by Germany NSN Created on 4 Feb 2000
vendors Request Updated Every Day 6070-99-583-1314 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-60/fsc-6070/de 6070-12-350-0134
Fiber Optic Splice Protector 6070123500134 Per Conn 6070150002154 150002154 331-7026 6070-14-576
331-7026 6070-14-576-2846 6070-15-000-2154 6070-12-392-4022 6070-99-583-1314 6070-15-205-0779 6070-12-350-0134
Protector 6070995831314 15-205-0779 Protezione https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-60/fsc-6070/de 6070-12-350-0134
Fiber Optic Splice Protector 6070123500134 Documents 6070-12-350-0134 4+ Documents ( More... )
331-7026 6070-14-576-2846 6070-15-000-2154 6070-12-392-4022 6070-99-583-1314 6070-15-205-0779 6070-12-350-0134
Day 6070-15-205-0779 RQST NE Related Documents https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-60/fsc-6070/de 6070-12-350-0134
Fiber Optic Splice Protector 6070123500134 6070150002154 150002154 331-7026 6070-14-576-2846 6070
-15-000-2154 6070-12-392-4022 6070-99-583-1314 6070-15-205-0779 6070-12-350-0134 https//www.nsnlookup.com
4560 Fiber Optic Cable Alignment Fixture 140 030 10 G301RNCC: 3 | RNVC: 2 | DAC: 3 7 Mar 1995 6070-12-350-0134

6070-12-350-0134 Demil Restrictions 6070-12-350-0134


6070-12-350-0134 is a Fiber Optic Splice Protector

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