
Fiber Optic Cable

6020152049761 152049761 BBF-50-MU02LU (241)A1412BBF-50-MU02LU

One or more individually jacketed FIBER, OPTIC contained in a common covering or two or more FIBER, OPTIC molded together but separated from each other. It may also contain one or more insulated electrical conductors. It is intended for use in data transmission and communication, control, and indicating circuits. It refers to bulk quantities only. For items of definite length with polished ends, cleaved ends and/or the ends terminated with a fitting, see CABLE ASSEMBLY, FIBER OPTIC. View more Fiber Optic Cable

6020-15-204-9761 CABLE,FIBER OPTIC 6020152049761 152049761

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NSN Created on 7 Feb 2012
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6020-15-204-9761 Demil Restrictions 6020-15-204-9761


6020-15-204-9761 is a Fiber Optic Cable

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Italy (ZR)

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