
Delay Line

5999999432869 999432869 RRA808399

An item which provides a predetermined delay to an electrical pulse, while maintaining substantially the same waveform. The delay is obtained by means of a real or artificial transmission line or equivalent device. The equivalent device may be acoustic, distributive, lumped constant, magnetic solid state, or surface acoustical wave type. See also ATTENUATOR, (as modified); TRANSFORMER, (as modified); and OSCILLATOR, PULSE DELAY. View more Delay Line

5999-99-943-2869 DELAY LINE 5999999432869 999432869

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NSN Created on 25 Jul 1979
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January 2023
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5999-99-943-2869 DELAY LINE 5999999432869 999432869 1/1
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Delay Line 5999999432869999432869,RRA808399 United Kingdom (UK) 4. 5999-99-943-2869 Marketplace Restrictions
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