
Electronic Component Package

5999145274441 145274441 27557300-00

A device which is designed to enclose a microcircuit die, resistor, capacitor, microwave, monolithic device or a combination thereof, but does not contain the component(s). For items which contain the circuit element(s) see MICROCIRCUIT (as modified); RESISTOR (as modified); CAPACITOR (as modified); or the like. Do not use if a more applicable item name exists. View more Electronic Component Package

5999-14-527-4441 COMPONENT PACKAGE,ELECTRONIC 5999145274441 145274441

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NSN Created on 24 Oct 2001
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5999-14-527-4441 COMPONENT PACKAGE,ELECTRONIC 5999145274441 145274441 1/1
NSN 5999-14-527-4441 (Generic Image) 1/1

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5999-14-527-4441 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5999/fr 5999-14-527-4441
Electronic Component Package 5999145274441 27557300-00 A device which is designed to enclose a microcircuit

5999-14-527-4441 Demil Restrictions 5999-14-527-4441


5999-14-527-4441 is a Electronic Component Package

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France (ZF)

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