
Electrical Contact

5999143290707 143290707 DM53743-5001 00-977-6240

An item consisting of an electrically conductive material designed to furnish a surface which will physically and electrically meet another conducting surface for the purpose of transferring electrical energy and/or opening and closing circuits. Includes moving contacts which make and/or slide over stationary contacts or other stationary conductive material to a resulting fixed position. Excludes items which are used in conjunction with continually moving surfaces or which make contact by gripping action of the contact surfaces. See also CLIP, ELECTRICAL; CLAMP, ELECTRICAL; BRUSH, ELECTRICAL CONTACT; PLUG, TIP; and JACK, TIP. View more Electrical Contact

5999-14-329-0707 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 5999143290707 143290707

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DM53743-5001 00-977-6240 An item consisting of an electrically conductive material designed to furnish
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DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 5 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details... 15-1520
DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 17 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details...
DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 1458 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details...
DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 54 EA NS Request Quotation 15-1520-0670D CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 11 EA NS
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DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 1458 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details...
CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 42 EA NS Request DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 17 EA NS Request Quotation https/
CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 54 EA NS Request Quotation 15-1520-0670D CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 11 EA NS DM53743-5001
//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5999/fr 5999-14-329-0707 Electrical Contact 5999143290707 143290707 DM53743
DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 5 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details...
DM53743-5001 CONTACT,ELECTRICAL 202 EA NS Request Quotation Updated Every Day 5999-00-977-6240 RQST NE
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5999-14-329-0707 is a Electrical Contact

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