
Backplane Assembly

5998123938678 123938678 8376021-112

An insulating panel upon which two or more CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELECTRICAL, are mounted, and completely processed electrical conductor paths are deposited, etched, or printed in various paths. It provides or completes a circuit between two or more CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY or ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY. It may be designed for panel or chassis mounting, or for insertion into a CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELECTRICAL. Includes motherboards. For items containing processed electrical conductor paths and contacts for plug-in connecting facilities, see PRINTED WIRING BOARD. See also PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD; CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY and CABLE ASSEMBLY, PRINTED, FLEXIBLE. View more Backplane Assembly

5998-12-393-8678 BACKPLANE ASSEMBLY 5998123938678 123938678

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8376021-112 An insulating panel upon which two or more CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELECTRICAL, are mounted
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5998-12-393-8678 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5998/de 5998-12-393-8678

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5998-12-393-8678 is a Backplane Assembly

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Germany (ZG)

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