
Electronic Control Amplifier

5996004035818 004035818 634281-1

An electronic device which enables input signals to control a local source of power and deliver output signals of greater amplitude with respect to current and/or voltage. The output signals characteristics are uniformly related to the input signals, and are suitable for controlling or supplying power for exciting electric motors or similar devices. It includes devices commonly referred to as servo amplifiers, torque amplifiers and similar equipment only if these devices do not employ synchros nor incorporate servomechanisms. It does not include items which are properly classified as audio frequency, radio frequency, direct current or video amplifiers. For amplifiers that incorporate servomechanisms and employ synchros, see AMPLIFIER, SYNCHRO SIGNAL. View more Electronic Control Amplifier

5996-00-403-5818 AMPLIFIER,ELECTRONIC CONTROL 5996004035818 004035818

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NSN Created on 2 Jul 1970
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5996-00-403-5818 AMPLIFIER,ELECTRONIC CONTROL 5996004035818 004035818 1/1
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5996-00-403-5818 Demil Restrictions 5996-00-403-5818


5996-00-403-5818 is a Electronic Control Amplifier This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal.

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