
Radio Frequency Transmission Line Section

5985995223870 995223870

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5985-00-984-6057

A fabricated or processed item which forms a portion of a transmission line or which when added to complementary items will form a transmission line or a portion thereof. Do not use if a more specific item name now exists in the index. See also TUNER, TRANSMISSION LINE and LINE, RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION. View more Radio Frequency Transmission Line Section

5985-99-522-3870 LINE SECTION,RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION 5985995223870 995223870

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Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5985-99-522-3870 LINE SECTION,RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION 5985995223870 995223870 1/1
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5985-99-522-3870 is a Radio Frequency Transmission Line Section

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