
Filter Waveguide Assembly

5985145736507 145736507 96136283AA

A WAVEGUIDE ASSEMBLY which is specifically designed to pass frequencies within a range and to suppress frequencies outside that range. It may contain one or more tuned cavities, and tuning devices such as capacitive screws and the like. View more Filter Waveguide Assembly

5985-14-573-6507 WAVEGUIDE ASSEMBLY,FILTER 5985145736507 145736507

Managed by France
NSN Created on 29 Oct 2012
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January 2023
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5985-14-573-6507 WAVEGUIDE ASSEMBLY,FILTER 5985145736507 145736507 1/1
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5985-14-573-6507 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/fr 5985-14-573-6507
Filter Waveguide Assembly 5985145736507 96136283AA A WAVEGUIDE ASSEMBLY which is specifically designed
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5985-14-573-6507 is a Filter Waveguide Assembly

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France (ZF)

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