Waveguide Assembly
5985218789743 218789743 55413-24 5985-0234
An item consisting of one or more definite lengths of straight or formed, flexible or rigid, prefabricated hollow tubing of conductive material. The tubing has a predetermined cross section and is designed to guide or conduct high frequency electromagnetic energy through its interior. One or more ends are terminated. May include common mounting of a SWITCH, WAVE GUIDE, a DUMMY LOAD, ELECTRICAL and other components such as waveguide section, cable terminal chamber and the like. Excludes COUPLER, ROTARY, RADIO FREQUENCY; COUPLER, DIRECTIONAL; ADAPTER, WAVEGUIDE; and TUNER, WAVEGUIDE. View more Waveguide Assembly
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NSN Created on 9 May 1978
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January 2023
January 2023
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Marketplace 5985-21-878-9743
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55413-24 5985-0234 An item consisting of one or more definite lengths of straight or formed, flexible
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Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743 218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-
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Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743 218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-
55413 -24 -5 232602 RJ-7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An item consisting of one or more definite lengths of
straight https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/ca 5985-21-878-9743 Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743
218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-9743Waveguide Assembly5985218789743 218789743
straight https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/ca 5985-21-878-9743 Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743
218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-9743Waveguide Assembly5985218789743 218789743
Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5950-00-617-3184Electrical Transformer Cover5950006173184 006173184 55413 -24
-5 232602 RJ-7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6135/dk 6135-22-618
Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743 218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-
-5 232602 RJ-7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6135/dk 6135-22-618
Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743 218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-
55413 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/ca 5985-21-878-9743 Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743
218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-9743Waveguide Assembly5985218789743 218789743
55413 //www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/ca 5985-21-878-9743 Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743218789743
218789743 enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5985-21-878-9743Waveguide Assembly5985218789743 218789743
55413 //www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/ca 5985-21-878-9743 Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743218789743
Waveguide Assembly 5985218789743 218789743 /fsg-39/fsc-3960/fr 3960-14-492-0064 Pare-Brise 3960144920064
144920064,55413 55413 -24 -5232602RJ -7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An item consisting of one or more definite
lengths of 55413 -24 -5232602RJ -5 232602RJ-7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An item consisting of one or more
144920064,55413 55413 -24 -5232602RJ -7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An item consisting of one or more definite
lengths of 55413 -24 -5232602RJ -5 232602RJ-7019024(BAND1) 55413-24 An item consisting of one or more
Restrictions 5985-21-878-9743
Approved Sources 5985-21-878-9743
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 55413-24
- Manufacturer
- 35844 - Andrew Canada Inc (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 5985-0234
- 35925 - Transport Canadamateriel And (Active)
- NATO Reference
- NATO Reference
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5985-17-101-3564 5985-33-210-3529 5985-17-036-3712 5985-17-045-1307 5985-17-034-8943 5985-99-753-7057 5985-99-282-2264 5985-12-329-8394 5985-99-901-8844 5985-99-918-0090 5985-21-847-3861 5985-50-000-8978 5985-21-871-0622 5985-99-012-6548 5985-17-045-1276 5985-99-579-1857 5985-99-194-5069 5985-21-913-1954