
Antenna Control

5985660578902 660578902 C80250E8002V1-2 CR5201K2

An item which provides the means for selecting the mode of operation or to direct the DRIVE, ANTENNA to carry out the input instructions. For items which provide coordinate information, see PROGRAMMER, ANTENNA POSITION. View more Antenna Control

5985-66-057-8902 CONTROL,ANTENNA 5985660578902 660578902

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NSN Created on 1 Jul 1973
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January 2023
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5985-66-057-8902 CONTROL,ANTENNA 5985660578902 660578902 1/1
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C80250E8002V1-2 CR5201K2 An item which provides the means for selecting the mode of operation or to
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5985-66-057-8902 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5985/au 5985-66-057-8902

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5985-66-057-8902 is a Antenna Control

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