
Electrical Contact Brush Set

5977151189710 151189710 75207752

A combination of two or more brushes conforming to the item name BRUSH, ELECTRICAL CONTACT, used as a set in a specific piece of equipment. The individual brushes may be identical or nonidentical. For two or more brushes connected together by a common shunt, pressure bar, etc., see BRUSH, ELECTRICAL CONTACT. Excludes CONTACT ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL and CONTACT SET (as modified) View more Electrical Contact Brush Set

5977-15-118-9710 BRUSH SET,ELECTRICAL CONTACT 5977151189710 151189710

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NSN Created on 4 Jul 1994
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5977-15-118-9710 BRUSH SET,ELECTRICAL CONTACT 5977151189710 151189710 1/1
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Electrical Contact Brush Set 5977151189710 75207752 A combination of two or more brushes conforming

5977-15-118-9710 Demil Restrictions 5977-15-118-9710


5977-15-118-9710 is a Electrical Contact Brush Set

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