
Electrical Contact Brush Holder

5977145085359 145085359 FH137000000

A holder designed to accommodate and position a brush against a commutator or collector ring. Also includes items consisting of two or more brush holders (boxes) cast as an inseparable unit. May include facilities for applying pressure to the brush(es) and may also be furnished with the brush(es). See also HOLDER ASSEMBLY, ELECTRICAL CONTACT BRUSH. View more Electrical Contact Brush Holder

5977-14-508-5359 HOLDER,ELECTRICAL CONTACT BRUSH 5977145085359 145085359

Managed by France
NSN Created on 16 Sep 1998
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5977-14-508-5359 HOLDER,ELECTRICAL CONTACT BRUSH 5977145085359 145085359 1/1
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Electrical Contact Brush Holder 145085359 FH137000000 A holder designed to accommodate and position
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503-8016 104-4246 Electrical Contact Brush Holder https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5977/fr 5977-14-508-5359
Electrical Contact Brush Holder 145085359 0404 5977-14-508-5359 327-9615 5977-99-127-3460 5977-
14-300-1089 Electrical Contact Brush Holder 251044242 Contact Brush Holder 251044238 212-0404 5977-14-508-5359
-8016 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-61/fsc-6105 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5977/fr 5977-14-508-5359
Electrical Contact Brush Holder 145085359 0404 5977-14-508-5359 327-9615 5977-99-127-3460 5977-
14-300-1089 Electrical Contact Brush Holder 251044246 Contact Brush Holder 251044242 212-0404 5977-14-508-5359
143001089 Contact Brush Holder 996639743 Electrical Contact Brush Holder 251044238 212-0404 5977-14-508-5359
5977-12-327-9615 127-3460 5977-14-300-1089 Electrical Contact Brush Holder 251044242 212-0404 5977-14-508-5359
Electrical Contact Brush Holder 145085359 Documents 5977-14-508-5359 5+ Documents ( More... ) https

5977-14-508-5359 Demil Restrictions 5977-14-508-5359


5977-14-508-5359 is a Electrical Contact Brush Holder

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France (ZF)
Germany (ZG)

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