
Electronic Junction Rack

5975270531273 270531273 UNICOM-42HU

An open frame structure specifically designed to accommodate (but does not include) electronic terminal junctions (TERMINAL BOARD; TERMINAL (1), FEEDTHRU; and the like). The item may consist of separable or nonseparable channels, mounting blocks and fastening devices. Mounting blocks are designed so the assembly can be mounted on panels or bulkheads. Tightening the fastening devices which secure the channels to the mounting blocks will also secure terminal junctions within the frame assembly. Excludes RACK, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT; TERMINAL BOARD; JUNCTION BOX; and HARDWARE KIT, ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. View more Electronic Junction Rack

5975-27-053-1273 RACK,ELECTRONIC JUNCTION 5975270531273 270531273

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NSN Created on 31 Mar 2011
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5975-27-053-1273 RACK,ELECTRONIC JUNCTION 5975270531273 270531273 1/1
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