Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
5975251513304 251513304 13434 MT-315N
A tray or racklike item designed to provide a supporting surface to which electrical/electronic equipment may be secured when installed in aircraft, vehicles, or other types of mobile equipment. It may be equipped with shock or vibration isolation devices and/or wires, cables, terminal boards, connectors, etc. Excludes BASE, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT RACK and MOUNT, RESILIENT. See also RACK, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. View more Electrical Equipment Mounting Base
Managed by Norway
NSN Created on 7 Jan 2004
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January 2023
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Marketplace 5975-25-151-3304
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13434 MT-315N A tray or racklike item designed to provide a supporting surface to which electrical/electronic
5975-25-151-3304 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/no 5975-25-151-3304
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5975-25-151-3304 RQST Updated Every Day 5975-25-151-3304 RQST NE Related
5975-25-151-3304 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/no 5975-25-151-3304
RQST NE Updated Every Day 5975-25-151-3304 RQST Updated Every Day 5975-25-151-3304 RQST NE Related
web browser . 5999-15-179-7513Electrical-Electronic Component Heat Sink5999151797513 151797513 71-13434
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
web browser . 5999-15-179-7516Electrical-Electronic Component Heat Sink5999151797516 151797516 71-13434
(241)A331471-13434 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate heat generated
(241)A331471-13434 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate heat RQST
(241)A331471-13434 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate heat generated
(241)A331471-13434 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate heat RQST
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
Groove Pulley 3020013509176 013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1
/1 (241)A331471-13434/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434
Groove Pulley 3020013509176 013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1
/1 An item which is specifically designed to absorb, conduct or dissipate 71-13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434
013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg
Groove Pulley 3020013509176 013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1
013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg
Groove Pulley 3020013509176 013509176,13434 /1 (241)A331471-13434/1 (241)A331471 -13434/1 An item /1
Restrictions 5975-25-151-3304
End Users 5975-25-151-3304
- Norway (ZT)
Approved Sources 5975-25-151-3304
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- 13434
- Manufacturer
- N0753 - Landkapasiteter (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- MT-315N
- N0753 - Landkapasiteter (Active)
- NATO Reference
- NATO Reference
NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5975-25-151-3304
5975-12-162-9270 5975-23-111-0645 5975-14-571-1558 5975-14-392-5579 5975-14-506-7396 5975-13-120-8690 5975-99-257-7661 5975-14-556-2358 5975-33-104-1292 5975-14-478-5046 5975-14-383-4467 5975-14-345-8396 6115-12-193-5622 5975-21-873-1012 5895-14-265-1554 5975-22-308-1914 5975-14-548-8490 5975-14-501-9212