
Electrical Equipment Drawer

5975151990051 151990051 C3/DA.682 (241)A3028C3/DA.682

An item designed to slide in and out of a CABINET, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT or RACK, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT and used to mount and/or store electrical/electronic equipment. It does not include the electrical/electronic equipment, but may include wires, cables, terminal boards, connectors, etc. View more Electrical Equipment Drawer

5975-15-199-0051 DRAWER,ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 5975151990051 151990051

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NSN Created on 2 Jan 2005
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5975-15-199-0051 DRAWER,ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 5975151990051 151990051 1/1
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5975-15-199-0051 Related Documents Related Documents 5975-15-199-0051 1+ Documents (More...)

C3/DA.682 (241)A3028C3/DA.682 An item designed to slide in and out of a CABINET, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
5975-15-199-0051 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/it 5975-15-199-0051
Electrical Equipment Drawer 5975151990051 C3/DA.682 (241)A3028C3/DA.682 An item designed to slide in

5975-15-199-0051 Demil Restrictions 5975-15-199-0051


5975-15-199-0051 is a Electrical Equipment Drawer

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