
Access Cover

5975143711250 143711250 A11B602322001

A rigid or flexible item of various shapes attached to a structure for the purpose of providing access for inspection, service, replacement of components and/or adjustments or mounting operations. It is designed to be attached by means of bolt holes, slots, mounting ears, tabs, and the like. To permit access, the mounted cover requires partial or complete removal. It may include an observation window. For items permanently attached by hinges and the like, see DOOR, ACCESS (as modified). Excludes all covers not specifically designed to provide access for the purposes listed above. View more Access Cover

5975-14-371-1250 COVER,ACCESS 5975143711250 143711250

Managed by France
NSN Created on 5 Jun 1981
Data Last Changed
July 2023
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5975-14-371-1250 COVER,ACCESS 5975143711250 143711250 1/1
NSN 5975-14-371-1250 (Generic Image) 1/1

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France (ZF)

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