
Stuffing Tube

5975123341111 123341111 154M6X6,5

An item specifically designed to pass an electrical cable or tube through a continuous structure with provisions for packing so as to prevent the leakage of liquids and/or gases through the opening. May include packing nut(s), adapter(s), washer(s), gasket(s), bushing(s), packing(s), cap(s), and/or plug(s). View more Stuffing Tube

5975-12-334-1111 STUFFING TUBE 5975123341111 123341111

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NSN Created on 22 Mar 1994
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DRAWING:S1000634 505-4548 5975-17-111-0969 5975-12 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/de 5975-12-334-1111
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5975-12-158-3426 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/de 5975-12-334-1111 Stuffing Tube 5975123341111
123341111 5975-37-505-4548 5975-17-111-0969 5975-12-334-1111 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975
5975992577754 997997230 608-3835 5975-12-364-7253 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5975/de 5975-12-334-1111
Stuffing Tube 5975123341111 123341111 Stuffing Tube 5995218766904 218766904 Stuffing Tube 5975123341111123341111
218766904 608-3835 5975-12-364-7253 5975-37-505-4548 5975 -17-111-0969 5975-12-334-1111 Stuffing Tube

5975-12-334-1111 Demil Restrictions 5975-12-334-1111


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