
Electrical Equipment Cabinet

5975131189289 131189289 B0142020052

An enclosure generally fabricated of sheet material designed to accommodate (but does not include) electrical/electronic equipment so that the equipment may be operated without removal. It may include wires, cables, terminal boards, connectors, etc., required for equipment operation. For items designed to accommodate equipment mounted on panels, see RACK, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. See also CASE (2) (as modified). Excludes INTERCONNECTING BOX; INTERCONNECTING CABINET; JUNCTION BOX; and TERMINAL BOX. View more Electrical Equipment Cabinet

5975-13-118-9289 CABINET,ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 5975131189289 131189289

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Electrical Equipment Cabinet 5975131189289 B0142020052 An enclosure generally fabricated of sheet material

5975-13-118-9289 Demil Restrictions 5975-13-118-9289


5975-13-118-9289 is a Electrical Equipment Cabinet

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