
Strain Insulator

5970006363055 006363055

5970-00-636-3055 INSULATOR,STRAIN 5970006363055 006363055

Managed by United States
Data Last Changed
January 2024
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5970-00-636-3055 INSULATOR,STRAIN 5970006363055 006363055 1/1
NSN 5970-00-636-3055 (Generic Image) 1/1

5970-00-636-3055 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5970-00-636-3055

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5970-00-636-3055 Related Documents Related Documents 5970-00-636-3055 5+ Documents (More...)

United States (US) 4. 5970-00-636-3055 Marketplace Restrictions Approved Sources Datasheet Management
RQST Updated Every Day 5970-00-636-3055 RQST NE Related Documents 5970-00-636-3055 5+ Documents ( More
RQST Updated Every Day 5970-00-636-3055 RQST NE Related Documents 5970-00-636-3055 2+ Documents ( More
3055 Strain Insulator 1 Jan 1900 5970-00-583-1663 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/us 5970-00-636-3055
Strain Insulator 5970006363055 006363055 Documents 5970-00-636-3055 2+ Documents ( More... ) https
Materials from United States (US) 1900 5970-00-958-7625 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/us 5970-00-636-3055
Strain Insulator 5970006363055 006363055 5970-00-636-3055 2+ Documents ( More... ) https https/
Materials from United States (US) Electrical-Electronic https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/us 5970-00-636-3055
Strain Insulator 5970006363055 006363055 -1663 Electrical Insulation Sheet 5970005831663 Insulating
1900 5970-00-958-7625 Oil Varnish 1 Jan 1900 5970-00-636-2005 Standoff Insulator 1 Jan 1900 5970-00-636-3055

5970-00-636-3055 Demil Restrictions 5970-00-636-3055


5970-00-636-3055 is a Strain Insulator This item is considered a low risk when released from the control of the Department of Defense. The item may still be subject to the requirements of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). This item may be hazardous as it is in a Federal Supply Class for potentially hazardous items. A MSDS should be available from the supplier for the end user to evaluate any hazards. The precious metals content of this item is unknown.

5970-00-636-3055 Related Items NATO Stock Numbers Related to 5970-00-636-3055

5970-00-636-3055 Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) Contracting Technical Data File (CTDF) 5970-00-636-3055 October 2021

Criticality and Quality

Critical Item Code:
Flight Safety:
Life Support:
Certified Samples:
First Article Test (FAT):
Certificate of Quality Compliance:
Production Lot Testing:
Special Testing:
Qualified Products List (QPL):

Commercial Properties

Government Furnished Material:
Government Furnished Tooling:
Government Furnished Property:
Price Evaluation Code:
Diminshing Manufacturing Sources:
Commerical Off The Shelf (COTS):
End Item Application:
Auctioning Candidate:
Source of Procurement:
Contract Option:


Boeing Rights Guard:
Export Controlled:
Controlled Technical Data Package (TDP):
Restricted Technical Data Package (TDP):
Contains Classified Material
Weapons System Indicator Code (WSIC):

Packaging Requirements

Packaging Determination Table:
Packaging Review Code:
Special Packaging Instruction Number (SPIN):
Special Packaging Instruction Number Revision:
Special Packaging Instruction Number Date:
Pallet Reference Number Required: