
Washer Insulator

5970996548799 996548799 500843-9 A500843-9

An insulator that is essentially thin and flat, with one through hole centrally located. The general shape may vary by the addition of features such as beveled edges, indented surfaces, through hole keys, and/or peripheral flats. The thickness measured between the two parallel bearing surfaces must not exceed 25 percent of the outside diameter or the shortest distance between peripheral flats. The thickness measured between the two parallel bearing surfaces must not exceed 25 percent of the outside diameter or the shortest distance between peripheral flats. Excludes items with more than one hole. See also INSULATOR, DISK; INSULATOR, BEAD; INSULATOR, BUSHING; and INSULATOR, PLATE View more Washer Insulator

5970-99-654-8799 INSULATOR,WASHER 5970996548799 996548799

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500843-9 A500843-9 An insulator that is essentially thin and flat, with one through hole centrally located
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/fr 5820-14-470-1961 Transposeur Paroi 5820144701961 144701961 8799Washer Insulator5970996548799 996548799
5970996548800996548800 500843 Transposeur Paroi 5820144701961144701961 8799Washer Insulator5970996548799 996548799

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