
Bushing Insulator

5970142966593 142966593 3374-10-36-02

An insulator designed to fit into and reduce the effective diameter of the hole(s). It may include mounting and/or conducting hardware. For flexible bushing-type insulators that are self-retaining and consist of two facing flanges separated by a neck, see GROMMET, NONMETALLIC. Also see SPACER, SLEEVE and BUSHING, SLEEVE. Excludes INSULATION SLEEVING, ELECTRICAL. View more Bushing Insulator

5970-14-296-6593 INSULATOR,BUSHING 5970142966593 142966593

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3374-10-36-02 An insulator designed to fit into and reduce the effective diameter of the hole(s).
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5970-14-296-6593 1+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/fr 5970-14-296-6593

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5970-14-296-6593 is a Bushing Insulator

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