
Plate Insulator

5970121980675 121980675 0294420000 272.301 886 2944.2 0609300703 4008190128289 AP AKZ4 KRG 029442 2944-2 29442

An insulator having flat surfaces, with or without holes, whose thickness does not exceed 25 percent of its length or width, whichever is smaller, and whose shape is other than round. Excludes INSULATOR (1), SPACER; INSULATOR (1), WASHER; MOUNTING PAD, ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC COMPONENT; PLATE, ELECTRICAL SHIELD; and TERMINAL BOARD. View more Plate Insulator

5970-12-198-0675 INSULATOR,PLATE 5970121980675 121980675

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0294420000 272.301 886 2944.2 0609300703 4008190128289 AP AKZ4 KRG 029442 2944-2 29442 An insulator
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to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5970-14-501-0727Plate Insulator5970145010727 145010727 2944.2
Plate Insulator 5970121980675 121980675 0609300703 4008190128289 AP AKZ4 KRG 029442 2944-2 29442
0675 Plate Insulator 5970121980675 121980675 Insulator5970121980675 121980675 0294420000 272.301 886
how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5940-99-652-2254End Section5940996522254 996522254 2944-2
029442 402938 AP 029442 42265-569-00-6 42265-569-6 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 25 Apr
Plate Insulator 5970121980675 121980675 End Section 5940996522254 996522254,2944-2 how to enable
029442 402938 AP 029442 42265-569-00-6 42265-569-6 Managed by United Kingdom NSN Created on 25 Apr
Print https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-198-0675 Plate Insulator 5970121980675 121980675
Insulator5970121980675 121980675 0294420000 272.301 886 2944.2 0609300703 4008190128289 AP AKZ4 KRG
Digital Microcircuit 5962222850031222850031 229442 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-198-0675
Plate Insulator 5970121980675 121980675 Insulator 5970121980675121980675 0294420000272.301 8862944.206093007034008190128289AP
AKZ4 KRG0294422944-229442 145010727 2944.2 Plate Insulator 597012198067512198067506093007034008190128289AP

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