
Plate Insulator

5970120266326 120266326

Cancelled - Replaced by NSN 5970-00-252-4774

An insulator having flat surfaces, with or without holes, whose thickness does not exceed 25 percent of its length or width, whichever is smaller, and whose shape is other than round. Excludes INSULATOR (1), SPACER; INSULATOR (1), WASHER; MOUNTING PAD, ELECTRICAL-ELECTRONIC COMPONENT; PLATE, ELECTRICAL SHIELD; and TERMINAL BOARD. View more Plate Insulator

5970-12-026-6326 INSULATOR,PLATE 5970120266326 120266326

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RQST Updated Every Day 5970-12-026-6326 RQST NE Related Documents 5970-12-026-6326 1+ Documents ( More
the feet and TL8440-0045-CTL8440-0045-GR 448440 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-026-6326
Plate Insulator 5970120266326 120266326 5970-12-026-6326 5970120266326 120266326 is an insulator
5970121782990 121782990 and Insulating Materials https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-026-6326
Plate Insulator 5970120266326 120266326 3740 Electrical Insulation Tape 5970-12-026-6326 https/
Electrical Insulators and Insulating Materials from Germany (DE) Electrical Insulation Tape 5970-12-026-6326
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-186-3740 Electrical Insulation Tape 5970121863740 Insulator 5970120266326
120266326 and Insulating Materials from Germany (DE) Insulation Sleeving 5970-12-026-5018 Materials
Electrical Insulation Sleeving 5970-12-026-5018 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-026-6326
Germany (DE) 5018 Flat Washer 5970-12-186-3740 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-026-6326
Plate Insulator 5970120266326 120266326 Restrictions 5970-00-252-4774 DEMIL: A | DEMILI https//
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5970/de 5970-12-186-3740 Electrical Insulation Tape 5970121863740 Insulator 5970120266326

5970-12-026-6326 Demil Restrictions 5970-12-026-6326


5970-12-026-6326 is a Plate Insulator

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