
Ear Cushion

5965145032468 145032468 ARES500

An item made of soft material(s) designed to fit on an earphone shell of an electrical headset or on the muff of a hearing protector by a positive means of attachment, such as an elastic band or a clamp ring. Its purpose is to prevent external noises from reaching the ears of the user and to lessen physical discomfort occasioned by continuous use. View more Ear Cushion

5965-14-503-2468 CUSHION,EAR 5965145032468 145032468

Managed by France
NSN Created on 7 Jan 1998
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July 2023
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Ear Cushion 5965145032468145032468,ARES500 ARES500 An item made of soft material(s) designed to fit
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5965-14-503-2468 is a Ear Cushion

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France (ZF)

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