
Standardized Electronic Module

5963012047492 012047492 MIL-M-28787/316 167892

An electronic device capable of controlling voltage and/or current to produce gain, oscillation or similar integral functions. It consists of a collection of electronic parts such as capacitors, resistors, coils, relays, transistors, semiconductor devices, and microcircuits in a single replaceable package. The configuration, physical dimensions, and electrical parameters of the item have been standardized in accordance with Government and/or Industry specifications and/or standards. Excludes items with nonstandardized configuration. It is not subject to disassembly as distinguished from such items as CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY and ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS ASSEMBLY. Do not use if a more specific item name exists such as AMPLIFIER (as modified), CODER (as modified), MICROCIRCUIT (as modified), and OSCILLATOR (as modified). View more Standardized Electronic Module

5963-01-204-7492 ELECTRONIC MODULE,STANDARDIZED 5963012047492 012047492

Managed by United States
NSN Created on 29 Mar 1985
Data Last Changed
November 2023
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5963-01-204-7492 ELECTRONIC MODULE,STANDARDIZED 5963012047492 012047492 1/1
NSN 5963-01-204-7492 (Generic Image) 1/1

5963-01-204-7492 Stock and Availability Marketplace 5963-01-204-7492

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MIL-M-28787/316 167892 An electronic device capable of controlling voltage and/or current to produce
/fsc-5963/us 5963-01-204-7492 Standardized Electronic Module 5963012047492 MIL-M-28787/316167892 An electronic
https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5963/us 5963-01-204-7492 Standardized Electronic Module 5963012047492
-103 167892 MIL-M-28787/316 An electronic device capable of controlling voltage and/or current to produce
1394 ELECTRONIC MODULE,STANDARDIZED 1 EA NS Request Quotation Subscribe to View Vendor Details... 167892
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5998-01-370 -6659Circuit Card Assembly5998013706659 013706659 167892
Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5963-01-301-4515Standardized Electronic Module5963013014515 013014515 MIL-M-28787/316
vendors Request Updated Every Day 5963-01-301-4515 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5963/us 5963-01-204-7492
Standardized Electronic Module 5963012047492 JavaScript in your web browser . 5963-01-204-7492Standardized
Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5963-01-316-5945Standardized Electronic Module5963013165945 013165945 MIL-M-28787/316
Standardized Electronic Module 5963012047492 JavaScript in your web browser . 5963-01-204-7492Standardized
Electronic Module5963012047492 012047492 MIL-M-28787/316 Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5963-01-301-4515Standardized
$1 a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5998-01-370-6659Circuit Card Assembly5998013706659 013706659 167892
Standardized Electronic Module 5963012047492 Documents 5963-01-204-7492 1+ Documents ( More...
a day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5998-01-370 -6659Circuit Card Assembly5998013706659 013706659 167892

5963-01-204-7492 Demil Restrictions 5963-01-204-7492


5963-01-204-7492 is a Standardized Electronic Module that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is not currently subject to changes. This item is a US Munitions List or Commerce Control List Item which must be destroyed to prevent restoration or repair. Only authorized parties may possess this item. This item is not suspected to be hazardous. This item does not contain a precious metal. This item is sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge.

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