
Diode Semiconductor Device

5961375248651 375248651 STPS12045TV

A two electrode semiconductor device having an asymmetrical voltage - current characteristic. May or may not include mounting hardware and/or heatsink. Excludes LIGHT EMITTING DIODE and SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE,PHOTO. For items containing material such as selenium and copper oxide, see RECIFIER, METALLIC. View more Diode Semiconductor Device

5961-37-524-8651 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE,DIODE 5961375248651 375248651

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Diode Semiconductor Device 5961375248651 STPS12045TV A two electrode semiconductor device having an
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Diode Semiconductor Device 5961375248651 JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-37-524-8651Diode
Semiconductor Device5961375248651 375248651 STPS12045TV www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/kr 5961-37
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