

5961151443692 151443692 BC237A

An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes. May or may not include mounting hardware and/or heatsink. Excludes SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE and SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTOR. For solid state devices which are responsive to visible or infrared radiant energy, see SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, PHOTO. View more Transistor

5961-15-144-3692 TRANSISTOR 5961151443692 151443692

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Transistor 5961151443692 151443692,BC237A how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-15
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BC237A An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes.
BC237A An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes.
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how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-15-144-3692Transistor5961151443692 151443692 BC237A
BC237A An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes.
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BC237A An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes.
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