5961145424896 145424896 BC239CP 91299603 TT000552
An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes. May or may not include mounting hardware and/or heatsink. Excludes SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE and SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, THYRISTOR. For solid state devices which are responsive to visible or infrared radiant energy, see SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, PHOTO. View more Transistor
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NSN Created on 21 Jul 2004
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Marketplace 5961-14-542-4896
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BC239CP 91299603 TT000552 An active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes.
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Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542 https
5961123224988123224988,BDW93C enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-12 https 5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542 https
5961123224988123224988,BDW93C enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-12 https 5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
5961996560398996560398,T1P30B https 118-2074 5961-21-884-6582 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP 5961145424896145424896,BC239CP 991132171 118-2074 https
5961218846582218846582,GES6011 6625996213927 996213927 118-2074 5961-21-884-6582 https 59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP 5961145424896145424896,BC239CP 991132171 118-2074 https
5961218846582218846582,GES6011 6625996213927 996213927 118-2074 5961-21-884-6582 https 59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
de 5961-12-322-4988 Transistor 5961123224988123224988,BDW93C 6625996213927 996213927 884-6582 5961-14-542-4896
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Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/ca 5961-21-884-6582
www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-66/fsc-6625/uk 6625-99-621-3927 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/ca 5961-21-884-6582
enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5961-14 https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/fr 5961-14-542-4896
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/de 5961-12
-322-4988 Transistor 5961123224988 123224988,BDW93C 4896 Transistor 5961145424896145424896,BC239CP 991132171
Transistor 5961145424896 145424896,BC239CP https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5961/de 5961-12
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Restrictions 5961-14-542-4896
Approved Sources 5961-14-542-4896
- Part Number
- Manufacturer
- Status
- BC239CP
- Manufacturer
- F4597 - Nxp Semiconductors France (Active)
- Primary Buy
- Primary Buy
- 91299603
- F6481 - Thales Sa (Active)
- Secondary Buy
- Secondary Buy
- TT000552
- F3031 - Direction Interarmees Des Reseaux D (Active)
- NATO Reference
- NATO Reference
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5961-12-132-4821 5961-14-232-1476 5961-98-200-0168 5961-99-118-7828 5961-14-346-3412 5961-99-038-0512 5961-12-322-4988 5961-99-118-2074 5961-21-884-6582 5961-14-542-4896 5961-37-557-0295 5961-15-125-1817 5961-99-118-2675 5961-99-656-0398 5961-15-053-7123 5961-99-714-8415 5961-99-746-1958 5961-15-128-2102