
Unitized Semiconductor Device Rectifier

5961143806550 143806550 332430

Two or more diode semiconductor devices designed to function as a unit in changing alternating current to direct current. The diode devices are internally connected in series, and are permanently cased, encapsulated, potted, or molded together to form an inseparable unit. These units may be designed as either half-wave or full-wave rectifiers and may be mounted to form either single phase or three phase bridges. For interconnected items arranged in stack(s), see RECTIFIER, SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. For items fabricated in the form of a monolithic or thin film structure that perform the function of a circuit, see INTEGRATED CIRCUIT (as modified). Excludes SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES, UNITIZED; SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE ASSEMBLY; and RECTIFIER NETWORK, UNITIZED. View more Unitized Semiconductor Device Rectifier

5961-14-380-6550 RECTIFIER,SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE,UNITIZED 5961143806550 143806550

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5961-14-380-6550 RECTIFIER,SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE,UNITIZED 5961143806550 143806550 1/1
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day Upgrade your Account Upgrade 5998-01-320-4207Circuit Card Assembly5998013204207 013204207 6499-332430
-1 6499-332430 A grouping of two or more physically connected or related electrical an/or electronic
Unitized Semiconductor Device Rectifier Documents 5961-14-380-6550 3+ Documents ( More... ) https
6110-12-149-2320 6110121492320 121492320 is an item consisting of contacts, a magnetic core, and a coil with or without inclosure which is used to repeatedly establish and break a circuit. the item does not provide overload protection and is not used in line to control any other electrical controls. excludes relay, electromagnetic and starter, motor.l circuit. exludes relay, electro-magnetic and starter, motor.
5340-01-692-6354 5340016926354 016926354 is a preformed item of rigid or semirigid material designed to partially surround other items such as cable(s), conduit(s), pipe(s), tube(s), or rod(s) or to completely surround them by means of a bridge strap(s) (which does not tightly clamp against the complete periphery). it is designed to retain and/or position the items close to a structure. it may be fastened to the structure on one end, both ends, or in the center. see also clamp, loop. excludes bracket, pipe; strap, leather and strap, webbing.
5340-01-692-6351 5340016926351 016926351 is a preformed item of rigid or semirigid material designed to partially surround other items such as cable(s), conduit(s), pipe(s), tube(s), or rod(s) or to completely surround them by means of a bridge strap(s) (which does not tightly clamp against the complete periphery). it is designed to retain and/or position the items close to a structure. it may be fastened to the structure on one end, both ends, or in the center. see also clamp, loop. excludes bracket, pipe; strap, leather and strap, webbing.

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5961-14-380-6550 is a Unitized Semiconductor Device Rectifier

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France (ZF)

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