Electron Tube
5960150760631 150760631 EY91
An inclosure, including two or more electrodes, in which a flow of electrons may occur through a vacuum or a contained gas. The electronic conduction takes place either by means of electrons emitted from a cathode or by ionization of the contained gas. Includes phototubes (photoemissive type only), Geiger-Mueller tubes, traveling wave tubes, cathode ray tubes and microwave tubes (Klystron, magnetron, or the like). Excludes items whose primary purpose is to produce light energy. Also excludes PHOTOELECTRIC CELL; and SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE (as modified). View more Electron Tube
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Electron Tube 5960150760631150760631,EY91 5960-15-076-0631 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
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Electron Tube 5960150760631150760631,EY91 5960-15-076-0631 5+ Documents ( More... ) https//www.nsnlookup.com
/fsg-59/fsc-5960/it 5960-15-076-0631 Electron Tube 5960150760631150760631,EY91 RQST NE Updated Every
EY91 An inclosure, including two or more electrodes, in which a flow of electrons may occur through
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how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-99-716-8075Electron Tube5960997168075 997168075 EY91
how https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5960/it 5960-15-076-0631 Electron Tube 5960150760631 150760631
,EY91 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-15-076-0631Electron Tube5960150760631 150760631
how https//www.nsnlookup.com /fsg-59/fsc-5960/it 5960-15-076-0631 Electron Tube 5960150760631 150760631
,EY91 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-15-076-0631Electron Tube5960150760631 150760631
how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-12-127-6947Electron Tube5960121276947 121276947 EY91
Electron Tube 5960150760631 150760631,EY91 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-
15-076-0631Electron Tube5960150760631 150760631 EY91 Electron Tube 5960121276947121276947,EY91 how to
Electron Tube 5960150760631 150760631,EY91 how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 5960-
15-076-0631Electron Tube5960150760631 150760631 EY91 Electron Tube 5960121276947121276947,EY91 how to
in your web browser . 5960-99-000-0135Electron Tube5960990000135 990000135 CV135 BSL-CV135 10CV135/EY91
electrodes, in which a flow two or more electrodes, in which a flow 990000135CV135BSL-CV13510CV135/EY91
DAC 4 BSL-CV135 U0F31 - Bsl Express Service Ltd (Active) Secondary CV135BSL-CV13510CV135/EY91 DAC 4
electrodes, in which a flow two or more electrodes, in which a flow 990000135CV135BSL-CV13510CV135/EY91
DAC 4 BSL-CV135 U0F31 - Bsl Express Service Ltd (Active) Secondary CV135BSL-CV13510CV135/EY91 DAC 4
Restrictions 5960-15-076-0631
End Users 5960-15-076-0631
- Italy (ZR)
Approved Sources 5960-15-076-0631
- Part Number
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- Status
- EY91
- Manufacturer
- A0042 - Nec Italia Spa (Active)
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- Primary Buy
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