
Power Transformer

5950991473569 991473569 23163 3-SB-43/GB21-1654 REFERENCE T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1336/T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1340 REFERENCE T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1340/T0 3-SB-43/GB21-1654/T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1336 REFERENCE T0

A transformer consisting of one or more primary winding(s) and one or more secondary winding(s). It may be designed for direct connection to an alternating current source for purposes of changing the secondary volts and amperes or designed to eliminate metallic interconnection between circuits in an overall one to one voltage ratio, with or without additional output windings, or items designed to automatically maintain a constant output voltage within specified limits under varying input or load conditions. Also includes items having a provision for mechanically changing the turns ratio or inductive coupling in progressive increments by means of voltage taps, ratio adjuster, or devices oe similar design. For transformers having winding(s) common to both input and output circuits, see TRANSFORMER (1), POWER, AUTOTRANSFORMER. Excludes TRANSFORMER (1), PULSE. View more Power Transformer

5950-99-147-3569 TRANSFORMER,POWER 5950991473569 991473569

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23163 3-SB-43/GB21-1654 REFERENCE T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1336/T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1340 REFERENCE T0 3-SB-43/GBPE
-1340/T0 3-SB-43/GB21-1654/T0 3-SB-43/GBPE-1336 REFERENCE T0 A transformer consisting of one or more
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